*** From Arian Nevjestic's Blog***
Peeps, firstly apologies for the lack of blogging from my end. Work and other commitments have kept me very busy over the last couple of months. In an attempt to spice up my blog site; today I will share with you a SharePoint 2010 data pre-population PowerShell script which I have written for some performance testing tasks I am working on currently with my colleagues @ Microsoft Consulting Services.
I needed a tool which could generate the following SharePoint data for me:
· Create various Web Applications
· Each Web Application to have multiple site collections spread across two content databases.
· Pre-populate each site collection’s document library with uniquely named documents.
So here is the PowerShell script that performs exactly the above. I have tried to write it a very simple manner so that you can re-use it for your needs.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
#USER Defined Variables
$siteCollTemplate = "WIKI#0"
$webAppProtocol ="http://"
$WebAppsToCreate = @("arianwin2k8:700","arianwin2k8:710")
$numSiteCollectionsPerWebApp =5
$OwnerAlias = "arianwin2k8\Administrator"
$docLib = "AnalyticsReports"
$fileSource = "C:\UploadFiles"
$appPoolExt = "App_Pool"
# DO not edit anything beyond this line
$webAppProtocol ="http://"
$WebAppsToCreate = @("arianwin2k8:700","arianwin2k8:710")
$numSiteCollectionsPerWebApp =5
$OwnerAlias = "arianwin2k8\Administrator"
$docLib = "AnalyticsReports"
$fileSource = "C:\UploadFiles"
$appPoolExt = "App_Pool"
# DO not edit anything beyond this line
function SPContentUpload {
#my document upload function to a sharepoint doc library.
param ([string]$urlDocLib,[string]$urlSPWeb,[string]$strDirPath)
$SPsite=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($urlDocLib)
$SPsite=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($urlDocLib)
#loop through all the files in the source folder and add each file to the defined SharePoint doc library
dir $strDirPath | foreach-object {
$bytes=get-content $_.fullname -encoding byte
$SPWeb.files.Add($($urlDocLib +$docLib"/") + $_.Name + [guid]::newGuid().tostring(),$arrbytes,$hshDocProps, $true)
$bytes=get-content $_.fullname -encoding byte
$SPWeb.files.Add($($urlDocLib +$docLib"/") + $_.Name + [guid]::newGuid().tostring(),$arrbytes,$hshDocProps, $true)
foreach ($webApp in $WebAppsToCreate) {
$webAppPort =$Split[1]
Write-Host Web App Url $webAppUrl $webAppPort
New-SPWebApplication -Name $($webAppUrl + " Web Application" + $b) –URL $webAppUrlFull -port $webAppPort -ApplicationPool "$($webAppUrl + "_app_Pool" + $b)" -ApplicationPoolAccount $OwnerAlias -DatabaseName $($webAppUrl + "_" + $webAppPort)
Write-Host Web App Url $webAppUrlFull
#Create new content db
#New-SPContentDatabase $webAppUrl -WebApplication $webAppUrlFull
New-SPContentDatabase $($webAppUrl + "_" + $webAppPort + "_2") -WebApplication $($webAppUrlFull + ":" + $webAppPort)
New-SPContentDatabase $($webAppUrl + "_" + $webAppPort + "_2") -WebApplication $($webAppUrlFull + ":" + $webAppPort)
do {
$siteCollPath = $($webAppUrlFull + ":" + $webAppPort + "/sites/" + $i)
$siteCollPath2 = $($webAppUrlFull + ":" + $webAppPort + "/sites/" + $i + "_")
Write-Host Creating site collection $siteCollPath
#create site collection to go to unique content database
New-SPSite -url $siteCollPath -OwnerAlias "$OwnerAlias" -Name "Test Wiki content db_1_ $i" -Template $siteCollTemplate -ContentDatabase $($webAppUrl + "_" + $webAppPort)
New-SPSite -url $siteCollPath -OwnerAlias "$OwnerAlias" -Name "Test Wiki content db_1_ $i" -Template $siteCollTemplate -ContentDatabase $($webAppUrl + "_" + $webAppPort)
#populate Doc lib for above site collection
SPContentUpload "$($webAppUrlFull + ":" + $webAppPort + "/sites/" + $i + "/")" "" "$fileSource"
#create site collection to go to sep content database
New-SPSite -url $siteCollPath2 -OwnerAlias "$OwnerAlias" -Name "Test Wiki content db_2_$i" -Template $siteCollTemplate -ContentDatabase $($webAppUrl + "_" + $webAppPort + "_2")
#populate Doc lib for above site collection
SPContentUpload "$($webAppUrlFull + ":" + $webAppPort + "/sites/" + $i + "_/")" "" "$fileSource"
SPContentUpload "$($webAppUrlFull + ":" + $webAppPort + "/sites/" + $i + "_/")" "" "$fileSource"
while ($i -le $numSiteCollectionsPerWebApp)
while ($i -le $numSiteCollectionsPerWebApp)
Hope you can find some good use from this. I will try and blog more regularly, especially when I come across some interesting issues / client requirements around SharePoint 2007 / 2010.
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